Monday, April 18, 2011

Did I say it already?

Really? Did I say it already? I'm going to write again. And hopefully through writing, i can improve my English. hehehe. Some people said my English is quite bad. Not sucks, just not up to the expectation. I understand their point. They want me to be better. Well, growing up in a very 'Malay' surrounding didn't help much with my English. Furthermore, my parents didn't speak English at all at home. However, I think all of us (my siblings) turned out quite ok, I think.

There's one time, I still remember how my dad tried his best to converse in English with my ex-boss. Hahaha. I salute you Ayah! My ex-boss is a mix, Cindian. Hmm.. I don't know how he end up looked like Mat Salleh. So I invited my boss and our client from Zurich to come over to my house (in Penang of course) for Hari Raya. And they came. Ayah tried to converse with them and it was so funny. I had fun. I'm sure Ayah was very nervous at first, but he managed it well. We had Nasi Briyani (home-cooked by Ayah) and of course the in-famous pineapple tart prepare by me.

What's my point here? Owh, Ok. What I'm trying to say is, if Ayah can try his best at his age, why can't I do it. The only thing standing in between is only yourself. If you want to make it happen, Insya-Allah, it will. Chayuk Chayuk!! Insya Allah. Ameen.

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