Monday, April 18, 2011

Nasi Goreng & Alergi

Feels like writing a lot today and I'm hoping somebody would read this (cross my fingers). Okay. So to those who knew me closely know I some kind of allergy if I ate wrongly. hahaha. there's one time, when i was studying, got allergy because of tuna, and the very next day was my final exam. So horrible.. my lips were swollen, can't even pronounce p! Pukul Sepuluh became fukul sefuluh, and the cute doctor laughed at my new dialect. there's a lot of red spots everywhere and it was itchy like hell. My beloved roomates, ain, awe & mynah take turns to a ribena glass bottle which contained hot water over my body to sooth the itchiness. I didn't eat tuna for couple of years after that.

Than, during my first or second year of working, i developed allergy for chicken. Any chicken products, as long as it contained chicken, I couldn't take it. I stop eating chicken for couple of months and everything goes back to normal.

And nowadays, the allergy can come from anything, too much dust, too much meat, too much chicken. Looks like anything and everything. it shows how much toxin i had in my body. And it's not easy to know when can u eat this and that without having the allergy appears.

For the past couple of days, I had this allergy every time I eat meat. Either chicken, meat or fish. It's driving me crazy coz I have no idea what to eat. As solution, I think I should start bringing home cooked food to office. let's try it and see if the allergy will go away. I ate fish for dinner with eggs and some veges. half an hour later my body was covered by red spots.

So, I had prepared nasi goreng (fried rice) for tomorrow. No meat all. Just anchovies (does it consider as meat?) some carrots, cabbage and onions. With a bit of oyster sauce. Doesn't taste as good as Ayah cooked. but it's ok I think. Shall we try it? For couple of days? Hehehe. Chayuk chayuk. Oh ya. I'm watching the proposal while writing this, luv Sandra Bullock!!

Did I say it already?

Really? Did I say it already? I'm going to write again. And hopefully through writing, i can improve my English. hehehe. Some people said my English is quite bad. Not sucks, just not up to the expectation. I understand their point. They want me to be better. Well, growing up in a very 'Malay' surrounding didn't help much with my English. Furthermore, my parents didn't speak English at all at home. However, I think all of us (my siblings) turned out quite ok, I think.

There's one time, I still remember how my dad tried his best to converse in English with my ex-boss. Hahaha. I salute you Ayah! My ex-boss is a mix, Cindian. Hmm.. I don't know how he end up looked like Mat Salleh. So I invited my boss and our client from Zurich to come over to my house (in Penang of course) for Hari Raya. And they came. Ayah tried to converse with them and it was so funny. I had fun. I'm sure Ayah was very nervous at first, but he managed it well. We had Nasi Briyani (home-cooked by Ayah) and of course the in-famous pineapple tart prepare by me.

What's my point here? Owh, Ok. What I'm trying to say is, if Ayah can try his best at his age, why can't I do it. The only thing standing in between is only yourself. If you want to make it happen, Insya-Allah, it will. Chayuk Chayuk!! Insya Allah. Ameen.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

With or Without You

Woah.. My last post was about How-Betty-Inspires-Me. Well. She did in a way. I moved on. And while stepping forward, couple of things happened and I think it's about time i share it with you.

I always use this blog to express myself. Some way, some how, i'm hoping this would continue more on regular basis compare to what i'm having now. I only writes when i feel sad. I should share more, I think. So we could inspire others as well.

Some one told me I will only be a friend of other person if they could benefits me. Hahaha. First time I heard that. I've been called a lot of names before, but never that. Is it really true? To all my friends, let me know if you think it's true. I know this person for almost 7 years and in the end, this person said that kind of thing to me. 7 years ended in just a split seconds.

No matter how much you value somebody in your life, never try to buy them with money. You might just lose everything. I care a lot about this person. Seriously. But there are times I need to get out from certain pressure, I need to just be a friend and instead of trying to understand, this person just shuts everything. Including me. Part of it might be my fault, my temper, my moodiness and my attitude. But ending everything that we have in 7 years and labeling me with that kind of remarks really makes me feel as if there's nothing real.

Then I realized something, a friend usually stick around and if you are doing something wrong they just smack you on ur head and say wake up! Well, that's my definition of friend and I think I've made a good choice in letting go a few people in my life who were not worth to be around me. Not because I hate them or I hold any grudge against them, simply because I deserve better. Sorry for saying this, but I'm hoping to be a better person without you. Yes, without you.